Core Philosophy

1. We should hold gratitude in our hearts for every action we are granted the ability to take in this life.

2. All action should be executed in devotional loving service to both the betterment of ourselves and of the collective.

3. What is best for the Humankind is best for the Earth, and vice versa.

I believe that acting in accordance with the natural human condition can remind us all of the enormous amounts of personal freedom at our disposal. By fostering personal empowerment through natural action, we can bring safety, strength, peace, love, health, and community back into our center focus of life as it once was.

When we live with loving ourselves and each other as a mutual goal in life, our wounds begin to heal. Over time, our ability to live within our own bodily means of support, where life sustains itself, can be restored. In turn, the rightful symbiotic nature of our relationships returns. Under these conditions we allow ourselves the space to thrive. Embracing natural roles, true callings, and real meaning in our own lives has Universal effects. Imagine a world where attaining states of self-actualization becomes everyone’s Reason for being.

The growing pains of humanity have taken us far from ourselves, and systemic damage has ensued. People are designed as universal apex predators. We are able to interject on, and create peak roles in all of Earth’s ecosystems. That is to say, we are natural masters of consumption. We have forgotten, with grave consequence, that the role of any apex predator on the landscape ebbs and flows as a great dichotomy of complementary actions.

The dominance of a peak state over one’s environment comes with more responsibility than any other organism has to bear. We are meant to move through every space and interaction therein with constant awareness. We should engage with deliberate meaning, and fair expectations. We should interject intent on selectively harvesting only whatever brings the highest universal reward while resulting in the lowest impact, knowing the fate of our surroundings is our own. An apex predator is both a gentle steward and harbinger of death.

All other Earthly players of the apex predator role have maintained an innate sense of judgement in striking this balance. With our God given freedom of choice and ingenuity, humans have turned their backs on the natural requirement of equivalent exchange. In the adolescence of our species, we have developed a habit of taking both from ourselves and from each other more than we give. We have forgotten that all predators must also express the values of mothers, fathers, siblings, students, hunters, huntresses, healers, sages, warriors, and leaders in order to fully serve their roles. This must be acknowledged as a race and as individuals.

We are here to play our part in bringing balance back to the forefront of our priorities, and for us, that means helping as many people as possible to do the same in their own lives. Those at Forager Health believe that anyone seeking growth can unlock the full sensation of Life at will, as this feeling is inherently and equally available to all. When we acknowledge our roles, and remember how to lovingly engage in them, our ability to establish and co-create brighter futures will be immeasurable, as it should be.